
Koren Monte Broken Village

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Doppleganger Discovered!

I have found my doppleganger. Her name is Ashley Weaver or Ashley Marie as she was also known. She was on the 3rd season of Bad Girls Club.
Do you see the similarities?

Monday 14 February 2011

Happy Valentines Day Lovers

Love doesn't need a holiday. It should celebrated to the fullest extent every day. Don't just recognize it today but for the rest of your life live like it is Valentines day. You don't need permission to celebrate something so beautiful.
Found in Love Park located in my lovely home city of Philadelphia.

"True love stories never have endings." Richard Bach

"Love is the emblem of eternity; it confounds all notion of time; effaces all memory of a beginning, all fear of an end." Madmae De Stael

Saturday 12 February 2011

Kitten Kisses

Today I received a large package from Barry M Cosmetics. I placed quite a large order with them last week. Being from America I had never heard of this makeup brand before but discovered quite recently while living here in the UK. I must say I have become a faithful fan of the brand. I am so impressed by the products that I have used at this point. I will be doing reviews on here and on my youtube of these products and some others as well very soon.

My pride and joy, Jonafun, was a victim of freshly applied lipstick. 

Sunday 6 February 2011

Happy Chinese New Year!

Today I went to Chinatown in Manchester to celebrate the Chinese New Year. The day started off with a parade through the city that I unfortunately missed due to oversleeping after a long night.  I did arrive in time for the martial art show in the square. I then found my way to all the vendors. I found a lot of fun little souvenirs and small gifts. I finally bought myself a maneki neko statue. I have been wanting one of these for so long. Then the evening finished with a Chinese firework display and a crammed tram ride home to my Jonafun.

Friday 4 February 2011

Big purchase- Ipod Touch

A few years ago an old friend bought me an Ipod Nano as a birthday gift. About a year ago it died. I usually don't spend money on electronics. I have purchased camera's and computers but that is it. I am not a person who needs the latest technology. I have gone over a year without the constant stream of music that my ipod gave me. On a recent trip to Romania I found myself shoved in between two 15 year old girls on their way back to the UK from a school trip. They were listening to something wretched. I am not sure what it was exactly but the words "umbrella ella ella" were repeated quite often. I then decided it was time for me to suck it up and purchase myself an ipod to prevent this annoyance in the future. Today was the day. I am now the proud owner of a 64gb Ipod Touch. I ordered it off It is supposed to be delivered on Monday the 7th. I will update with my thoughts on my new device once I have given a good play.

Thursday 3 February 2011

Paris here I come!

I just booked my flights for my trip to France. My flight confirmations are through and I am ecstatic beyond words! I will have so much adventure to share with you all when I return. March can't get here soon enough.